Hello, my name is Kenneth G. Hartman and I am a cyber security researcher, BitTorrent expert, and forensic analyst. In 2015, I was contacted by a lawyer to consult on a criminal defense case involving BitTorrent. As part of my research, I used open-source intelligence sources to discover information about a covert law enforcement BitTorrent client called RoundUp Torrential Downpour.

After that initial case, I published the research in a paper called BitTorrent & Digital Contraband. Since the publication of that paper, I have consulted on numerous criminal cases involving BitTorrent, eMule, and other peer-to-peer networks.

I provide Expert Technical Consulting, Discovery, and Training related to RoundUp Torrential Downpour Receptor, eMule, and other peer-to-peer (P2P) software and digital forensics. Let me and my team help you.

My clients are lawyers who have questions regarding BitTorrent and the capabilities of RoundUp Torrential Downpour. Typical services that are in scope for this type of engagement include:

  • Assistance in identification of items to include in the discovery motions
  • Review of law enforcement’s attention to detail during the investigation
  • Examination and interpretation of the Forensic Examiner’s findings
  • Opinion regarding the strength of law enforcement’s technical evidence

Typical deliverables include:

  • Reports and memorandum that document findings, analysis, and recommendations
  • Email, phone, and web conferences with the defense team

If you are a lawyer and are interested in a phone conference to discuss how I can support your case as a BitTorrent expert, please contact me to schedule a call.

(Please note that I do not work directly for defendants, so if you are a defendant in a case involving BitTorrent, please have your legal counsel contact me.)